Recipe: Pancakes from plantain flour (gluten-free)

Plantain flour pancakes with homemade banana ice cream and walnut puree – gluten free!

At Oak Grove, we eat gluten-free most of the time. But we also love pancakes – and pancakes are usually made from wheat flour and therefore not gluten-free. However, there are some gluten-free recipes that are just as delicious as conventional pancakes.

An excellent and gluten-free pancake recipe are these chia banana pancakes.

Recently, however, we also carry plantain flour in our assortment – which, by the way, does NOT taste like banana. We first took a closer look at plantain flour when we learned that it is rich in the so-called resistant starch. Resistant starch, according to the latest findings, is said to be very beneficial to intestinal flora – and intestinal flora is very important for health. It is not for nothing that the intestine is said to be the seat of health.

With plantain flour you can also make very tasty pancakes. We always make the batter by eye and taste, but basically for pancakes you can take your regular favorite recipe and replace wheat flour 1:1 with plantain flour.


Ein einfaches Pfannkuchenrezept verlangt

  • 200 g Kochbananenmehl
  • 4 Eier
  • ca. 100-150ml Wasser (mache ich immer nach Gefühl)
  • Etwas Salz

Das ergibt ca. 16 Pfannkuchen. Mag man eher Eierkuchen, dann kann man gut 100 g Kochbananenmehl nehmen bei 4 Eiern. Brät man in viel Butter oder Kokosöl an, werden die Pfannkuchen schön knusprig.


We also made homemade banana ice cream and walnut puree with cocoa nibs.

Here we have some chia mixed in, but it does not have to be.
Sauteed with Irish butter from pasture milk

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